job updates job updates: job updates

 It seems like there might be a typo in your question, as "" doesn't appear to be a recognized platform or website as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. However, if you meant "," I can certainly provide information about it. is one of India's leading job search and recruitment websites. It serves as a platform where job seekers can search for job opportunities and employers can post job listings to find suitable candidates. Here's a detailed explanation of how typically works:

Job Seeker Registration: Individuals seeking employment can create an account on by providing their personal information, educational background, work experience, and skills. They can upload their resumes, search for jobs, and set up job alerts based on their preferences.

Job Search: Job seekers can use various filters such as location, industry, job type, experience level, and salary range to narrow down their job search. The platform provides a user-friendly interface to help them find relevant job listings.

Job Application: Once job seekers find suitable job listings, they can apply for those positions through the website. They can usually apply by submitting their resume and sometimes need to answer specific questions set by the employer.

Resume Database: Job seekers' resumes are stored in's database. Employers and recruiters often use the platform's resume database to search for potential candidates based on specific criteria.

Job Alerts: offers a feature where job seekers can set up alerts for new job listings that match their criteria. They receive notifications via email or on the website when relevant jobs are posted.

Profile Visibility: Job seekers can control the visibility of their profile and resume. They can choose to make their profiles public, private, or accessible to only specific employers.

Employer/Recruiter Registration: Employers and recruiters looking to hire candidates can also create accounts on They can post job listings, search the resume database, and connect with potential candidates.

Job Posting: Employers can post job listings on, specifying details about the job, company, requirements, and application process. They can choose from various posting options based on their budget and the visibility they want for the job listing.

Resume Search: Employers and recruiters can search the resume database using filters to find candidates that match their job requirements. They can then reach out to these candidates directly.

Communication: provides a platform for communication between employers/recruiters and job seekers. This can include interactions such as interview scheduling, sharing additional details about the job, and negotiating terms.

Premium Services: offers premium services such as highlighted job listings, increased visibility for resumes, and personalized assistance to both job seekers and employers for a fee.

Please note that features and processes on job search platforms can evolve over time, and it's important to refer to the latest information on the official website for the most accurate details about how the platform operates. If you were referring to a different platform, please provide more context or correct the name so that I can assist you accordingly.

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